Praca: Customer advisor with Finnish for TV streaming provider

Ogłoszenie numer: 9593275, from 2025-03-11

Do you like movies, series and music? Join our Customer Service Team and help other users enjoy their favourite productions without connection interruptions or subscription problems.

If so, we have the perfect offer for you!

Customer advisor with Finnish for TV streaming provider

Location: Warszawa


Job description

  • Help others: we offer support by phone, email or chat. Your help will be irreplaceable!
  • Become a technical superhero: we provide technical support for streaming fans.
  • Solve puzzles: we answer questions about contracts and billing quickly and efficiently.
  • Empathy and professionalism: we handle and resolve customer complaints with a smile and understanding.
  • Call handling: we assist B2B and B2C customers as the first line of support.
  • Administrative task management: we handle outbound calls and collect feedback on the platform.


  • Ability to work in the team with passion to technology and great sense of humor. Proactivity is creativity is our second name!
  • Service-oriented thinking: focus on the customer experience – they come first!
  • Language Ninja: fluent in Finnish (C1) and English (min. B2).
  • Master of  administration and technology: you have administrative and technical knowledge.
  • Listening is an art: great communication and listening skills.
Nice to have:
  • Experience with CRM systems, for example: Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, SAP or others.

We offer

  • International environment: working with us you will meet people from all over the world!
  • Developing skills and potential: do you have talent? Great! We will help you use it. Or maybe you don’t know what you’re good at yet? Relax – together we will find it.
  • Team building events: because who said that work is just work? Sometimes it’s worth taking a break from the screen and integrating with the Team.
  • Team Leader support at every stage of cooperation: we won’t leave you alone in difficult situations. Your TL is also a guide.
  • Modern office in Warsaw: comfortable position, good coffee and friendly atmosphere. What to want more?
  • Private medical care: health is important and we take care of it.
  • Contract of employment or civil contract – the choice is yours!
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.

Help others: we offer support by phone, email or chat. Your help will be irreplaceable! Become a technical superhero: we provide technical support for streaming fans. Solve puzzles: we answer questions about contracts and billing quickly and efficiently. Empathy and professionalism: we handle and...

Help others: we offer support by phone, email or chat. Your help will be irreplaceable! Become a technical superhero: we provide technical support for streaming fans. Solve puzzles: we answer questions about contracts and billing quickly and efficiently. Empathy and professionalism: we handle and...

Help others: we offer support by phone, email or chat. Your help will be irreplaceable! Become a technical superhero: we provide technical support for streaming fans. Solve puzzles: we answer questions about contracts and billing quickly and efficiently. Empathy and professionalism: we handle and...

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