Praca: Senior R2R Process Expert

We are the METRO Global Solution Center! Our motto, "We make it count," reflects our belief that accounting is more than just numbers - its about creating impactful solutions, driving meaningful change, and always counting for more. As a proud member of the METRO/MAKRO family, a leading international wholesaler with over 93,000 employees across 30+ countries, we are committed to excellence and innovation. Our inclusive and diverse community promotes collaboration, personal development, and dedication to achieving our goals together.

Join our team and experience the spirit of "We make it count."

Senior R2R Process Expert
Workplace: Szczecin, Plac Brama Portowa 1

Tasks & Responsibilities:

  • participation in the LUCA Digital Finance R2R sub-project with responsibility over General Ledger, Fixed Assets and Taxes,
  • first contact point for all process related issues and questions for LUCA Digital Finance implementation partner as well as all METRO colleagues,
  • be integral part of a LUCA Digital Finance roll-out team during country deployment phase,
  • responsible for system testing and coordination of proper defect resolution by implementation partner,
  • coordination of cross-functional and cross-project activities,
  • cooperation with LUCA Digital Finance PMO e.g., creation of status reports or cross-check of project documents,
  • responsible to meet the needs of quality audits/governance aspects.
Skill set & experience profile:
  • graduation in economics or equivalent education,
  • 3+ years of experience in SAP in an R2R process, preferably with experience in projects, SAP testing, etc.,
  • good communication, coordination, and presentation skills,
  • high level of team orientation and own initiative to drive change and engagement,
  • strong analytical skills, and very good knowledge of Excel
  • openness to learning and growth,
  • willingness to travel (around 20-25% of working time),
  • advanced English skills (verbal and written skills).
We provide:
  • stable employment in an international corporation, which is constantly growing,
  • chance to expand knowledge and experience in various areas,
  • private medical care and group insurance, also for family members,
  • cash benefits as part of the Social Benefits Fund, i.e., Christmas allowance,
  • a monthly salary supplement for knowing an additional language,
  • co-financed sports card,
  • team and company integrations after hours,
  • hybrid work.

Key job opportunities and accountabilities: International SAP Custom/Standard development projects. Full-cycle development and implementation. Product development projects. Working with a full stack of cutting-edge technologies, platforms, and solutions: SAP S/4HANA on-premise and Cloud editions....

Key job opportunities and accountabilities: International SAP Custom/Standard development projects. Full-cycle development and implementation. Product development projects. Working with a full stack of cutting-edge technologies, platforms, and solutions: SAP S/4HANA on-premise and Cloud editions....

RESPONSIBILITIES Developing innovative business applications by leveraging advanced standards and methodologies offered by SAP. Leveraging SAP Business Technology Platform features such as Integration. Artificial intelligence, Predictive analytics, etc. Working closely with a diverse team of...

RESPONSIBILITIES Developing innovative business applications by leveraging advanced standards and methodologies offered by SAP. Leveraging SAP Business Technology Platform features such as Integration. Artificial intelligence, Predictive analytics, etc. Working closely with a diverse team of...

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