Praca: VIM (Vendor Invoice Management) Expert

We are the METRO Global Solution Center! Our motto, "We make it count," reflects our belief that accounting is more than just numbers - its about creating impactful solutions, driving meaningful change, and always counting for more. As a proud member of the METRO/MAKRO family, a leading international wholesaler with over 93,000 employees across 30+ countries, we are committed to excellence and innovation. Our inclusive and diverse community promotes collaboration, personal development, and dedication to achieving our goals together.

We are seeking an experienced VIM (Vendor Invoice Management) Expert with a strong background in SAP Financial Processing and Invoice Verification. The ideal candidate will be responsible for managing and optimizing our vendor invoice processes, ensuring compliance, efficiency, and accuracy in our financial operations. This role involves working closely with various stakeholders to implement and maintain VIM solutions, troubleshoot issues, and provide training and support to end-users.

Join our team and experience the spirit of "We make it count."
VIM (Vendor Invoice Management) Expert
Workplace: Szczecin, Plac Brama Portowa 1
Key Responsibilities 
  • Invoice Processing and Verification: Manage the end-to-end process of vendor invoice management, including receipt, verification, and processing of invoices using SAP systems.
  • Automation and System Integration: Utilize SAP ERP integrations automation tools such as OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to streamline invoice processing and reduce manual errors.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Ensure all vendor invoice activities comply with legal and financial standards. Prepare supportive reports and manage periodic statements to meet external reporting requirements.
  • Vendor Communication and Dispute Resolution: Oversee the end-to-end vendor invoice management process, from receipt to payment. Resolve discrepancies related to invoice amounts, pre-approval discrepancies, and overbilling efficiently.
  • Data Management and Analysis: Maintain accurate vendor data, verify critical financial details, and analyze invoice data to identify trends and improvement opportunities.
  • Collaboration and Process Improvement: Work closely with Finance, Procurement, IT, and other departments to identify outdated systems, streamline processes, and implement best practices in vendor invoice management.
  • Support successful rollout management: Lead and deliver Fit to template workshops, analyze local requirements.
Qualification and Experience 
  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in business informatics, business administration, Economics, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Solid knowledge (min. 3 years) in Financial Accounting, specifically Accounts Payable.
  • Proven experience (min. 3 years) in large scale SAP transformations projects and specifically in VIM solution, SAP Financial Processing and Invoice Verification is essential. Familiarity with SAP-BCM, SAP-VIM, and other related systems is highly desirable, as well as understanding of vendor management best practices, financial reporting, and compliance requirements.
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills to effectively handle vendor interactions and work with cross-functional teams.
  • Excellent command of English (written and spoken).
  • Willingness to travel (around 20-25% of working time).
We provide: 
  • Stable employment in an international corporation, which is constantly growing.
  • Chance to expand knowledge and experience in various areas.
  • Private medical care and group insurance, also for family members.
  • Cash benefits as part of the Social Benefits Fund, i.e., Christmas allowance.
  • A monthly salary supplement for knowing an additional language.
  • Co-financed sports card. 
  • Team and company integrations after hours. 
  • Hybrid or remote work.

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